2024 Annual Dinner (October 20, 2024)

A Recap of the WYHKOAA Annual Dinner 2024

On October 20, 2024, the WYHKOAA gathered for our highly anticipated Annual Dinner, and what an unforgettable evening it was! With over 80 attendees, the event was a tremendous success, filled with laughter and connection.

A Night to Remember

The atmosphere was electric as our alumni and honored guests celebrated the bonds that unite us together. Attendees enjoyed a delicious meal, engaging conversations, and the chance to reconnect with old classmates while making new friends. Highlights of the evening included inspiring videos from our WYHK School Supervisor, Fr. Alan Wong, and School Principal, Dr. Davis Chan. A fun raffle with exciting prizes kept everyone’s spirits high throughout the night.

Please find the link below to view the recap videos from our School Supervisor and School Principal.

Join Us for Future Events!

If you missed out on this year’s event, don’t worry! We invite you to join us for future WYHKOAA gatherings. Whether you’re a long-time member or considering joining us for the first time, there’s always something exciting on the horizon.

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming events.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Dinner and made it such a memorable evening. We can’t wait to see you at our next gathering!

Stay Connected

To stay updated on all things WYHKOAA, follow us on our WYHKOAA website. Let’s keep the momentum going—see you soon!

WYHK/WYK Joint School Soccer Fun Day (August 2024)

The energy at the joint school (WYHK, WYK, La Salle, St. Joseph, Salesian & CUHK) soccer game on Sunday, August 11 was incredible! The Bayview Reservoir Park soccer field were packed with cheering fans, and the excitement on the field was electric. All teams played with heart, making it a memorable day for everyone involved. Thanks to all who came out to support and make the event a huge success!






Dr. SO Ying-lun (蘇英麟博士) in Toronto (March 2024)

Wah Yan College (Hong Kong) Ontario Alumni Association delighted to welcome Dr. and Mrs. So as they visit Toronto. Dr. Y L So, a graduate of WYHK ’77, graced us with their presence. Our recent dinner, held on March 28, 2024, was a resounding success, with over 40+ alumni joining us. The highlight of the evening was Dr. So’s captivating speech on Wah Yan Jesuit education, which inspired us all. Let’s continue to strengthen the bonds of our alumni association and uphold the spirit of Wah Yan College. We eagerly anticipate your participation in future WYHKOAA events!

Please find the link to Dr. So speech. https://youtu.be/_VKvmi8A26g?si=r2NxLzsRgm4gjgx1 

Joint School New Year banquet (February 24, 2024)

After the COVID pandemic, alumni from various Catholic joint schools came together to organize a vibrant Spring Festival Dinner. Alumni from both Wah Yans, St. Paul Convent, St. Paul Secondary, St. Paul Lam Tin, St. Francis Canossian, St, Joseph Anglo-Chinese and La Salle gathered, totaling over 160 guests. The event was a resounding success, featuring lively karaoke sessions, delicious food, engaging games, and exciting prizes. Additionally, everyone received Lai See at the end, adding to the festive spirit of the evening. We eagerly look forward to your presence at next year’s joint school New Year banquet!

Annual Dinner 2023

Approximately 70 people participated in the annual dinner this year, which was held on October 15.

Fr. Antoni J. Ucerler, S.J. from Boston College happened to be in town and joined us. Mrs. Lee gave us a short speech and encouraged our alumni to participate more in our events.

Both Fr. Clement Tsui, S.J., Supervisor of Wah Yan Hong Kong and Wah Yan Kowloon and Dr. Davis Chan, Principal of WYHK sent us videos to share their thoughts with us.


We have to congratulate class of 66. They have the highest participation two years in a row. We certainly want to see them back again next year. The evening ended with the lucky draw.

Hope to see you in our next event.


【明報專訊】香港華仁書院50多名師生以富有特色的港華校舍及港島建築群為設計藍本,將電車車身當成「畫板」,進行為期兩周的藝術創作,同時寫上代表華仁精神的「Men for and with others(與眾同行)」字句,寄寓「華仁仔」毋懼時代變遷,逾百年來肩負華仁精神和使命,身體力行,在香港不同角落傳揚關愛社區、和諧團結,實踐耶穌會的教育理念。
The tram can be rented out for party to the Wah Yan family for a street ride, but only on or before Feb 16, 2023.

Wah Yan Boys resume activities

After over two years of the pandemic, people here seems to have accepted COVID 19 as part of life. While some people are still very concerned about exposure to the sickness, most have returned to “normal” life. Basically, all pandemic related restrictions for gathering have bee lifted.

The first gathering after the pandemic for the Wah Yan boys was held last weekend. Our president, Andrew, invited some old boys to his house for a barbecue. In all over twenty people, including our brothers from the Kowloon side participated.

There were tons of food, drinks and chats and laughter. We were very excited to see new comers as well as some people we have not met for a very long time.

Andrew said that he would have invited more people but his house can only hold so many. He is thinking about a picnic type gathering for all members. It may not happen this year, but certainly in the plan. Meanwhile, we are considering resuming the annual dinner. A date and venue is to be decided.






Food, food, food

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